Economic Impact Studies:  Martin Associates conducted an economic impact study for the Port of Cleveland as part of an impact study that included 32 U.S. and Canadian Great Lake ports.

Logistics/Fleet Deployment Strategy

Port of Cleveland Liner Feasibility Study:  This analysis focuses on the markets that can be served by a liner service calling the Port of Cleveland.  the CCPA entered into an agreement with Dutch company Spliethoff Group and in April 2014, a monthly service between Cleveland and Antwerp began.

Master Plan

Cleveland-Cuyahoga County Port Authority Master Plan: Martin Associates directed the comprehensive master plan for the Port of Cleveland in 2012.  The analysis included the development of detailed market projections, development of terminal capacity measures, development of a port-wide master plan to accommodate growth in specific traditional markets and accommodate additional development of waterfront property to be used as flexible space for cargo and non-cargo uses.  The plan also evaluated the impact  of limitations of the dredge spoils disposal areas, and identified strategies to optimize existing sites to accommodate future maintenance dredging requirements.

Market Analysis

Port of Cleveland Market and Feeder Study: Martin Associates completed a market study of the potential to develop a container feeder service between Halifax and Cleveland.


To learn more about the Port of Cleveland, visit: